Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I held off for 2 weeks to take my vehicle to the dealership for my free oil change and inspection because of all the latex balloons tied to the new and used cars for sale in the lot. I gave myself a good pat on the back for watching out for that.

I drove into the dealership yesterday and all the balloons were on the pavement with most of them totally deflated. I just patted myself on the back again. I was doing a great job keeping myself safe from all those latex proteins. After all these years, I can stay on top of exposures.

I checked in with a new person working in the service department. He had no idea about latex allergy, but my account stated no latex gloves. I told him I was waiting for my vehicle.

While walking past the parts department & cashier with the half wall exposing the mechanics bays, I noticed new rubber floor runners. I almost made it to the waiting room when I saw all the latex balloons waiting to be tied to the vehicles for sale. They had been blown up, were up at the ceiling, and had their ribbons, or whatever, hanging from them to attch them to the vehicles.

Oops, time to go outside for an hour or so waiting for my vehicle and pray that I wouldn't have a reaction. I did try to accomplish a couple of errands after that. My mistake, I'm now homebound on benadryl again.

Life is truely a challenging experience with natural rubber latex allergy.


1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi - I'm a 61 year old woman with severe allergies to latex and rubber accelerants. My life has become difficult with these ongoing problems - red, itchy scaley and bleeding hands; rashes from underwear; shoes; you name it. I'm wondering if you have a solid list of brand name products that contain latex and/or rubber accelerants. I am currently going thru the house and eliminating things that I think I should avoid. At this point, I may have to sleep on the floor and quit brushing my teeth! Any help from you would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!