Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I Made It

What a special gift to be here and share my thoughts and feelings with anyone who wants to hear them. I have always had a lot to say. Just ask anybody. Ask me a question and my answer will always be at least 10 minutes long. Now I will make up for all the years growing up when I was told to shut up. Such fun!!!
I plan to share so much here. I will talk about latex allergy(natural rubber latex allergy or NRLA) and how it has and is affecting my life. To be here now in this place is really a miracle. There were times I really expected my life would finish out as a bag lady, now they are called homeless. Here I am living in a safe home on the Erie Canal where there is always something cool to see every day. The best place to sit in my home is at the kitchen table in front of the picture window that faces the canal. I have a bird feeder out there close to the window where, if I sit still, I can really see the birds up close. A downy woodpecker has been visiting daily for over a month now. She's pretty bold and will let me move a little while she's out there, so I've named her Miss Whoopee. She probably doesn't hear me, but I do talk to her and tell her how beautiful she is. Guess what! She's not a miss. A couple of weeks after she arrived, hubby showed up. He's Mr. Whoopee, and he's pretty much a wimp. She can chase him off the feeder in a heartbeat, and she doesn't hesitate to do so.
There is a blue bird house in the back yard that is occuppied by different sparrow families every summer. New York is known for it's blue birds. They are the state bird. But they seem to be living somewhere else. There are blue bird houses all over the state to get them back here, but we never see them. Two weeks ago, I saw my first one ever. He was checking out the house. Unfortunately, the very next day a sparrow couple moved in. I had no idea that the bird realestate can be just as competitive as people realestate.
The hikers and joggers have started along the towpath, so spring really is here. It's so good to see them again. The canal was supposed to be filled by April 1. The week before, we flipped the boat. I store it on the beach when the canal drops for the winter. I'm still waiting patiently for the water to rise. I watch every day so that I know when I need to go out and tighten up the lines on the boat. I still can't find the oars. They may have floated off the last time the boat sank, and I just didn't realize it. But then if I cleaned out the garage, they could be there, a task I'm not jumping to do. Once the canal is up, boats will be coming thru from everywhere. I've seen them from as far away as Washington State.
Life here is beautiful and oh so social for someone whose socially isolated like me. I am truely blessed.


Bob Spencer said...

Exellent! I'll put a link on my own blogroll!

Unknown said...

Hey, this is neat...and a chance to vent...anything. Keep up the good work...I will be sure to ref your blog on mine.