Thursday, April 26, 2007

The water still hasn't risen to regular level yet. It has in all other parts of the canal. It's still down from the Pittsford to Macedon lock to help with flood control. With all the rain, the land is really oversaturated. It may be up within another week. It usually is in time for opening day of pike and walleye on the first Saturday in May.

One of my neighbors just couldn't wait for the water level to come up. I took a picture of him with his daughter and his two grand nephews rowing along and having a super time. I just loved seeing them out there. When a person lives in 315 area code, just about anything is ok. We're just a bunch of rednecks. But that's for another time.

If I get the energy level up, I'll do the same with the kayak. The canal has been calling to me for a couple of weeks to get something in that water and paddle, row, or electric motor thru the water. My boat is right side up now. I've bailed several times due to rains. This is pretty funny in itself. Bailing by hand or pump doesn't come frequently enough for my little 12 footer with some of the boat wakes and rain. Why last year it actually sank twice. Seriously hoping not to do that again this year.


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