Sunday, December 20, 2009


I've been neglecting my spot here way too long. A lovely angel named Miriam gave me a big nudge. Many things have been happening; too much to post about right now.

I will say that I'm keeping my focus on the reason for the season, the birth of the Baby Jesus.


1 comment:

Emily said...

I found your blog while searching (or should I say attempting to search) for elastic cording to use for sewing... without mercapto / thiuram chemicals. I'm in my twentys and have lived with "elastic" allergies all my life. It seems like you've been dealing with your allergies for some time. Any tips? So far the best thing I've done is sew my own swimming suit, and find a dermatologist who has time for her patients. Do you know of the Contact Allergen Replacement Database (CARD)? Ask your dermatologist, CARD will give you a list of products you CAN use based on results from a TRUE patch test. I finally have a soap I'm not allergic to!
Ok. Now I am rambling. I will look for your discussion board on yahoo. Feel free to leave me a message on blogger if you wish.
Thanks for making me feel a little less lonely in this allergy!