Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Natural Rubber Latex Allergy & Coping

Some days I just feel so alone. I live alone, except for Casey, my pride & joy & the greatest company.

I can't even remember the places I went to on Thurs., Fri., & Sat. in this Benadryl blur. I did go to a garage sale. The others were drive bys. I know I have been in Wal*Mart a couple of times. I had been in Lowe's earlier last week. The exposures to natural rubber latex mount up in my exposure glass to overflowing.

I do remember finally reacting on Fri. afternoon after spraying my shrub clippers with WD-40. It contains carba, thiuram, & mercapto mix, all chemicals used as accellerators in the manufacture of latex gloves. Initially, I was only allergic to these chemicals & had only topical or skin reactions. Now I'm getting into severe systemic reactions from these chemicals. Actually I have before. They are also found in disinfectants & insecticides.

I had to cancel company coming on Sat. & again on Sun. while still feeling the effects of the reaction & the Benadryl load in my system. Sun. I held my Benadryl til I could go to the drug store to pick up my allergy meds.

Mon. I picked up the rest of my allergy meds, mainly rescue meds., including epi-pens. Stopped at Wal*Mart to pick up a couple of things & chatted too long. My problem tire needed air. The rubber from the compressor tubing & my tire got me. It was down 15 lbs. of pressure & very noticeable. It's time to replace the tire!!!

So I'm here, homebound for a couple more days. I do need to pick up other meds tomorrow, but will do this at the drive up. Not going anywhere else tomorrow & praying that I won't need to keep the benadryl going tomorrow.

I fight the effects of the Benadryl, still trying to feel functional, but doing mindless tasks that do accomplish something. The feeling of worthlessness keeps popping up no matter how hard I try to stay positive. I only share my thoughts & feelings with people in my support group online. They are the only ones who totally understand this terrible allergy. My close friends are learning more & more, especially when I use the rubber word rather than latex. It seems to help them understand much quicker what has gotten me into trouble again.

This isn't the life I chose, nor did I ask for it. It is a challenge, sometimes a draining challenge, but in many ways I've become a better person for it.

If you are reading this post, you are very welcome to contact me or go to www.LAForum@ yahoo groups.com to learn more.
