Sunday, June 19, 2011

Frustrated and Angery

Latex allergy is a very serious, life threatening allergy. I have learned to refer to it as a rubber allergy. people understand rubber. when they hear latex, they think of only gloves and condoms.

I have a very dear friend living an hour away from me with latex allergy and now mast cell disease(from having such severe allergic reactions). She has anaphylaxed and been on life support in the ICU and in the ER.

Two years ago began a very terrible time for her that began with storing an open container of pool shock(pretty high chlorine) and having a chemical burn in her respiratory system. After that there were many minor reactions for her, but also three very serious ones that needed a call to 911. I was on the phone with her during each. I actually called 911 myself for two of them. I had to talk her into using her epi-pen for all three and coach her through it. One of the symptoms with severe reactions will be really bad confusion, almost euphoric, and sounding drunk. Reasoning can be difficult wit the one reacting.

She is a nurse who also became allergic because of latex glove use at work. Because she became disabled, she decided she would do her best to be a great stay at home mom. She has three children who are all very involved in many activities, all going in three different directions. She was being the perfect mom. However, she did this at risk of her own health, taking benadryl with symptoms, napping, then drinking lots of coffee to drive her children to sports and dance. She really was being casual and living right on the edge with exposures until she had serious reactions that involved hospital time.

About a year ago she lost her husband. She became very careful with exposures, getting pushed to ask for help transporting her children to activities because being the only parent it was so important for her to be alive for her children.

Well, time has passed and she's begun to get out socially. It's great, but not when she begins having a reaction with a serious exposure, takes benadryl, takes a nap, and then goes out on a date. She has become so casual about her allergy and health again. I'm really angry but don't know how to address this with her. She has become a sister with all both of us have been through, but I'm afraid of losing that relationship if I really speak up.

Any suggestions you have might help me.
